Reply To: Girls and Davening

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“I don’t daven because I have a lot of anger at GD right now for a lot of the things that are happening”

I’m reminded of the Jews at Auschwitz who put God on trial for letting the Shoah happen. After testimony they found God guilty.

They then davened Maariv.

There are times when I have felt disconnected, lonely, tired, or angrey, and have only davened because I have been commanded to. Part of being Jewish is submitting myself to the will of HaShem, to the halachah. As others have noted, the overwhelming majority of halachic authorities have ruled that women are chayev to daven the Shemoneh Esrei. Our tefillah is our opportunity to connect to God, to talk to God, to plea to God, and even to beg of God. The Shemoneh Esrei is an absolutely brilliant text, beginning with an acknowledgement of to whom we are speaking, and continuing with a very logical ordering of requests. It includes an opportunity for us to each express needs, wants, desires, and petitions individually. I am not one to judge your situation, which may be far worse than anything that I have ever experienced, but when I have found myself in difficult circumstances, I have found that prayer does help.

I wish you the best.