Reply To: Delete Your Facebook Account for Leiby

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Great idea!! I deleted mine over a year ago!! My life is soooo much more meaningful and so much less time on the computer and speaking lashon hara and everything. Really facebook is the biggest yezer hara (I deleted mine bc of Rabbi Wallerstein…) and after a few days I didn’t even think about it ever. When you have it, you think you can’t live without it, but then once you delete it, you never think about it again. Unfortunately all of my friends still have theirs, and when they come over they try to log on on my computer, so I dowloaded k-9 web protection (free website blocker- highly recommend) and now they can’t even log on at my house so I don’t even have to look at it ever!! Trust me everyone- it isnt that hard to delete and your life will be perfectly fine without it! not only will it be fine, but it will be MUCH better!!!! DO it!!!! and especially for Leiby- what a great idea!