Reply To: Pros and Cons of Home Depot kitchen- need kitchen advice.

Home Forums Around the House Pros and Cons of Home Depot kitchen- need kitchen advice. Reply To: Pros and Cons of Home Depot kitchen- need kitchen advice.


#1. many frum kitchen dealers have great cheap prices – give parnossah to a yid

#2. you get whta you pay for – things yuou wouldn’t notice – like kitchen cabinet doors that rattle when banged shut, hinges and draws that come loose over time..

#3. many frum dealers coordinate the whole kitchen.. counters, plumbing etc.. which makes it easier..

#4. Frum kitchen peope have designers that understand frum nees.. adn will point things out to you and get you features that an average non jewish house would never think of..

Don’t know where you located.. but i have some good reccomendations in tristate area