Reply To: Ami Magazine – Controversy

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Grubber Yung

I’m having trouble seeing how exactly this discussion got derailed, but I will explain which article was discussed, and what the issue was. (i will ask those who wish to discuss the effects of bungalow living on marriage, to open a thread on that, 🙂 thanks.)

It was an article regarding the Kletzky incident, in which the writer suggested that we can tell our children that “it wasn’t G-d who did it, someone else killed him on his own decision.” That was the basic outline. I do not know the name of the article, or its author.

To say that a human being has the free will to do something which G-d has not destined him to do, is definitely a controversial approach to the area of hashgacha and bechira.

This hashkafically controversial topic, was so ingeniously slipped into a nondescript article tackling a tragedy. Needless to say, most frum Yidden with knowledge in basic emuna would be appalled with such a concept being sold as acceptable. that was the fiery discussion I overheard.

These were not mere ‘hockers’, they were upstanding mature yungerleit, who were genuinely bothered by this infiltration of questionable literature and values into their homes.

i should comment that there are a number of sources in the rishonim and acharonim, which suggest that such a belief (i.e. that someone can go and kill another person even if it is not ‘bashert’ that the other should die) is acceptable. Many Rishonim and Achronim vehemently oppose this position.