Reply To: Ami Magazine – Controversy

Home Forums Controversial Topics Ami Magazine – Controversy Reply To: Ami Magazine – Controversy

Grubber Yung

To all those accusing me of being judgemental, I in no way was being offensive in my writing. I stated a fact that this is not the consensus of all shitos in bechira, and questioned the right (and wisdom) of a magazine to take a position in a sensitive topic in emuna, whilst entirely ignoring the opposing views.

To those who countered me to go and learn the topic before writing, suffice it to say i didnt write my post before i learnt the Or Hachayim in Vayeishev – which is the most popular source for this view, based upon his interpretation on a certain passage in the Zohar. I discussed the matter at length with numerous Talmidei Chachamim. Arguing with this opinion there is a Ramban, a Ma’avar Yabok, Vilner Gaon and even a Or Hachayim that seems to imply to the contary. I didn’t think that this is the place to go off on a tangent, so I minced words.

Motzi shem ra? the AMI staunchly defends their position and refuses to retract.