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Thanks to all who agreed.

Lomed Mikol Adam: Yeah, and look at the results. 50% of their teens are texting on Shabbos r”l.

RSRH: I’m part of the “others” you describe who must understand why they’re doing something. Anyone who’s got a little depth won’t just follow rules and regulations (especially since the world out there is pretty tempting)without questioning their beliefs. However, once your belief in Yiddishkeit is solid and firm, there’s no need to question and go into such detail. The Rambam wrote the sefer Morah Nevochim which is chakira and few feel safe learning it. Unfortunately, we’re weak and the Yetzer Hora is strong. We can’t afford to dig up questions in every area. Honestly, I never thought texting on Shabbos was muttar (not that I was always a tzaddekes, but I didn’t DREAM it was permissible!). And when I started reading through the “heterim” a thought crossed my mind, “Y’know, perhaps it’s not THAT bad.” After that, I stopped reading it. I realized how vulnerable I am. And I thought I was strong!

If you bring it up to discuss, you do give it legitimacy. You make a statement that there’s something to discuss. Why, if you really truly believe in Hashem and in Matan Torah, why do you need proof? Why do have to UNDERSTAND that it’s assur? I finally got out of the dark hole of depression, confusion and disbelief. Now, that I’m finally stable and love and fear Hashem, I don’t need any more questions rocking the boat.