Reply To: A Lack Of Sensitivity

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I am sorry to write this, because I am probablly going to ruffle a lot of feathers but I went to a modern orthdox/chassider chasuna in Boro park in the past 6 months, and I was shocked. I felt my stomache clenching and I wanted to run out of there, i felt my soul was screaming.

There was a complete disregard and lack of sensitivity of tnzius. Meaning that ok although technically speaking a neckline may have been kosher but the dress was so tight, the shoes attention seeking, 3 inches little points, panty hose that are so thin it does not look like she has any. The band was stationed at the entrance of the ballroom and ladies were dancing in clear view of the men who were standing on their side of the stage.Obviously thriving off the idea that they are attractive and enticing.

Men were watching ladies dancing. The ladies had on provactive, head-turning tight dresses. LOng sheitals and tons of makeup.

I felt weak and sick. I felt nauseaus watching a woman posing attractively for photos in public in the lobby for her husband who was shooting the camera. Of course turning heads.

Mamish I couldn’t eat the food.

I felt I had to get out of there.

WOrld of difference between that and the chasunas in Williamsburg or Monroe!