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observanteen first of all i am happy to hear you got out of depressions disbelief and confusion. I didnt see the tznius thread but the texting on shabbes and you are right the discussion of certain “heterim” was mamesh weird. Theres a story i think about the tzanzer rov who was asked by someone where does it say in shulchan aruch etc he opend his shirt and pointed to his heart and said here it says…its true that it should be enough to just believe in maamad har sinai and thats it. but asking questions even about emuna is for some ppl(if not for all)normal. i grew up modern but still heimish family and practized yiddishkeit because my father did. when i got older and had to learn rambam shmone prakim or his hakdama le mishnayos or hilchos deyos and other things it got me into thinking. once you think automaticly questions arises. after all we should perform mitzvos because we believe in hashem and toras moishe. to discuss halachic matters is ok but not everything needs to be discussesd here on CR. Noone should forget that the yetzer hara is big that people deal with emotional issues which in someway might reduce observance. Many just try to feel good about themselves which brings the to do things they would never do if everything would be alright. its very hard to think about hashem 24/7. i saw aries didnt comment i would like to know what she thinks