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msseeker, BTW, whether you want to recognize it or not MO are also “frummies”. Furthermore YW is NOT YOUR turf, it is public turf for ALL jews. YOU don’t own it or run it. If the MODS do not want certain people here or want to exclude someone it is up to them and not you.

jmj613, we have had this discussion on other threads so I was trying to stay out of it. You probably have already guessed what my opinion is, but here it is.

It is hypocritical of anyone who calls themselves Chareidi to come on the internet and then spout anything about right and wrong. Just the fact that they are here is against everything their Rabbonim speak about. They are blogging and having discussions with mixed company besides being on the internet. No matter what heterim they give themselves, no matter what filters they put on their computers, bottom line is their leaders say it is “Assur” to be here so that is the first thing I have to say.

Next. If you see something you don’t like there are nice ways and “not nice” ways of saying things. Msseeker did NOT discuss “her?” displeasure in a nice manner. When I go to a wedding and see that the Olam is a bit out of control it makes me sad not angry. I don’t judge others I feel bad for them that they don’t understand the beauty of tznius and behaving in a true tzniusdik manner especially in public. They are missing out and don’t understand what I do understand. That is a chaval. If I am at a Frum wedding and I see some of the young kids (the kallah and chosson’s friends) start dancing together in front of the Kallah or on the girls side I go over quietly and tell them “I am sorry to break this up but this is NOT appropriate here. If they say “it is OK with the Kallah” I say “it is the parents who are making and paying for this event and it is NOT OK with them. Let us not cause embarrassment for them in front of their friends and family or make things uncomfortable for them as the hosts of this Simcha, can’t we all just have a good time without breaking the rules, please?” And they just smile and agree and go back to their own places. All they really want to do is have a good time and not ruin anyone else’s good time.

So you see there are ways to handle any situation in a nice and polite manner. As far as this website is concerned. It has a standard that it keeps to and WE are NOT the ones that judge what that standard should be. This is NOT a chareidi website. Obviously that would be ridiculous since chareidim are NOT supposed to be on the internet to begin with. Yeshivish people, according to their Rebbeim are also NOT supposed to be here, so to pronounce this a chareidi/yeshivish site and MO people don’t belong here with their ideas and opinions is totally ludicrous. This is a Jewish website for Orthodox Jews controlled and moderated by Frum Jews who work carefully and closely to keep it clean and kosher. They don’t allow Rabbi bashing and they try to keep us from bashing each other as well.

So my opinion is we should keep offering each other positive support in the ways that we need and are looking for. We should stop judging others and try to be more welcoming and show more ahavas yisroel. We should stop thinking that we are each smarter than the next as we share our knowledge and experience. We should acknowledge others for their knowledge and experience and understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings. However, we should be careful how we present them as to NOT hurt others.