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Aries, thank you for your reasoned input.
Observanteen, whether or not to use goyish music to attain closeness to Hashem is a matter of opinion. It is not a black and white issue and is definitely not something that should automatically be banned from the CR. If one can truly acheive such a thing in a Kosher fashion than I think even you would agree that it is not just ok but it is a very good thing to do. The machlokes here is whether it is possible to have Kosher goyish music. You are a teenager and most of the goyish music you know of is probably more contemporary which makes it less likely to be Kosher. Gedolim of the past have listened to goyish music. There is goyish music out there that might be completely Kosher according to popa_bar_abbas interpretation. Like I said, it is not an obviously bad thing and therefore it is a matter that is fit for discussion in the CR. If people started posting examples of actual vulgar lyrics that wouldn’t make it through but to discuss the concept is fine in my opinion. I hope I have explained this to your satisfaction.