Reply To: I don't deserve her

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I feel almost the same except the opposite

I come from a well respected family and Hashem blessed us with parnasa etc. – I’ve been going out with my bf for 2 and a half years already and his family isn’t the most religious (they wear pants) and they don’t have much money but ever since I’ve been with him I’ve brought out the best in him. He goes to yeshiva every night, he goes to shul almost every morning, he started wearing tzitzus every day – all of which he never did b4 he met me. Even though in the beginning I didn’t think it would work out because I didn’t think he deserved me (even though I’m definitely not miss perfect), I now see that he is the right one.

MiddlePath – I hope she makes the right decision – cuz money etc. isn’t all that matters.