Reply To: What makes someone a Charadi?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What makes someone a Charadi? Reply To: What makes someone a Charadi?


Gavra: 1) I don’t see how my two posts contradict one another. I just explained more in the second post.

2) Aggadah in the Talmud is considered Midrash (as opposed to Halacha).

3) There is big difference between believing in the general concept that a specific person who learns Torah is more spiritually elevated than another person, to believing that your Rebbe is the exclusive Rebbe.

4) Emunas Chachamim derives from Deveikus. You only believe in a Chacham since you recognize that he is in essence spiritual material through his Deveikus.

5) I’m discussing Chareidi-MO philosophy, not people.