Reply To: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds)

Home Forums In The News Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) Reply To: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds)


“I think it does make a difference. Simply because, this goes to show that an ehrliche yid wouldn’t do anything like that. I think it can somewhat restore a bit of our trust in ehrliche Yidden.”

The murderer of Baba Elazar Abuchatzeria z’l was a Cheder Rebbe.

The murderer of Yitzcah Rabin was a frum jew.

To paraphrase R’ Moshe Tuvia Lieff shlita. Yidden can rise to the greatest heights and sinks to the greatest depths (his words, to the tehom), it is one of the reasons hashem told Avram his descendents would be like the stars and the sand.