Reply To: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds)

Home Forums In The News Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds) Reply To: Levi Aron Wasn't Religious – Ate Non-Kosher (McDonalds)


Shlishi, finally WE agree! Mazal tov! Except for the fact that the Agudah never changed their position one iota. They did change their position which was to always go to a Rav. Now they have finally agreed with Rav Elyashev’s psak.

As a matter of fact at their recent conference with Mental Health professionals, they instructed them to go to a Rav and not report to the authorities even though they were mandated reporters. It was definitely a welcome change on the part of the Agudah! As much as you wish to believe otherwise it won’t change the facts. People who have been begging and pleading as well as petitioning the Agudah for change know this to be true. If you are NOT involved in the parsha on any level you would not have anyway of knowing this. So I don’t expect you to. I will not debate this any further with you. The K’lal needs to be educated, period end of the story.