Reply To: You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…)

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…) Reply To: You are what you bring into your home! (For movie watchers…)

YW Moderator-42

Ayc, I think you are correct. I have heard from Rabbi Shaffier of The Shmuz many times that females just can’t fathom what a male’s taiva is. Even a grandmother who has experienced the world just can’t understand how hard it is to guard against taiva. It’s just one of those things that they have to accept because the Rabbis said so. That being said, it makes sense that aries doesn’t fully understand the possible (more like probable) takala caused by owning a TV and the nisayon it is to only watch clean programs. She, as well as men who give in to their negiyos, will argue that it is OK to have as long as you only watch kosher shows. Furthermore, they have a more meikel view of what is called a “kosher” show.