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AriZal: The Secret to Hashem Answering Your Tefilos? Have In Mind Before Starting to Daven That You Love Every Jew.

What does V’Ahavta L’Rei’acha Komocha have to do with davening? When we daven to Hashem we are asking him to answer our prayers because everything is in his hands and only his hands. The reason why we don’t love everyone is because of the negative things they may have done to us. If we truly believe that everything that happens to us comes exclusively from Hashem and that that no one can do anything bad to us unless Hashem wills it, than we would indeed love everyone without exception.

In order to show Hashem that we really rely on him as the only real source of our sorrow and happiness, we express our love for every Jew before davening. With this bitachon Hashem will certainly answer our tefilos.


Try it, (its actually mentioned in Hilchos Tefillah) once you start doing this (before each Tefillah or at the minimum once a day before Shacharis) and try hard to love every Yid in your heart (meaning try to feel it) and forgive them (think about specific things that people did to you and imagine forgiving them and feeling love for them) realizing everything is from Hashem and nobody can do anything to you without Hashems sending them as a shliach in a very short time your Tefillos will feel quantifiably different and will come alive so to speak.