Reply To: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around.

Home Forums Shidduchim He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. Reply To: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around.


Its possible he’s done teshuva, what with elul around the corner, but i know he’s “done stuff” as recently as last month.

And it is possible she knows but very unlikely, as a)she has dated other boys who she KNEW had a past, and told me, and said no partly for that reason…

b) not in reference to this girl, bit in general, this boy exoressed to me that he has no intention of revealing, as he was told by his “rosh yeshiva” not to tell. This same “rosh yeahiva” apparantly allows him to do many, many other things that are questionable…