Reply To: help!!!!!!!!!!

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Sister Bear

Wow, that’s terrible to hear but I guess 2 weeks of depression are better than suffering for years…

Quick question: did you move out of the house once you cut off all your ties with her or you lived in the house with her and just stopped talking?

I think I’m going to tell her to read this (pray she won’t kill me first :))

She invites me over there all the time (well it’s not really an issue anymore unless one of us drive. Maybe she just wants her house to feel like a home or thinks that if she has friends over then her mother will be nicer.

You make such logical points (and at least I’m not alone in what I’ve been saying to her) but I guess it’ll help her to hear from someone who’s been in a similar situation that she needs to stand up for herself, because a) no one will do it for her and b) it’s not going to help if she doesn’t.

She kinda did that lol don’t want to say help but basically told her mother she’s only going to do something her mother wants if her mother gets help….I don’t think that worked though.

I’m going to tell her this, I don’t know if she is ready or ever will be ready to cut off ties completely to the extent that you did (after all she needs someone to pay for the wedding 😉 although I doubt her mother will) but your advice will/should definitely help her become mentally stronger for herself, if no one else.

Also, I don’t mean to be too intrusive and feel free not to answer these questions but do you have any siblings (I think in the Ami article you mentioned but I could be dreaming) and did your mother treat all of you the same way or did she just single you out?