Reply To: help!!!!!!!!!!

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“Quick question: did you move out of the house once you cut off all your ties with her or you lived in the house with her and just stopped talking?”

i make enough money to move out, but the jobs arent stable so i have not yet moved out. my grandmother covers rent though so i depend on my mother for nothing.

“I think I’m going to tell her to read this”

please do!

yeah, she obviously cant cut all ties, but she needs to detach herself emotionally from her mother. IMO, in the case of an abusive parent, the option of reconciliation must be off the

table because that means that she is still emotionally invested in her mother, and that is damaging. there is no reconciliation with an abusive parent. she should take what she needs from her mother in terms of money, but not give anything emotionally.

also she should try and find another way to pay for the wedding…cuz yeah…first of all her mother probably wont…and secondly because that will just make her “owe” her mother…

i dont have any siblings.