Reply To: Story of Larry- A moshal (guess the nimshal)

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gaw: perhaps for those interested in laitzonus

PBA’s Nimshal:

The moral of the story is to not assume anything.

Always investigate, always ask. Yiddishkeit is not a religion of “don’t ask that, that is Apikorsus”. Scientia potentia est(Knowledge is power), and without it, you will get it wrong. The Choftez Chaim in the beginning of the third chelek of Mishna Berura says that someone who doesn’t learn Hilchos Shabbos will be Mechallel it, just as one who doesn’t know what the Mona Lisa looks like will buy something that claims to be it based on “trust” and “hearsay”.

Your Nimshal:

Larry a searching non frum Jew, Dealer offering a “fragmented” view of Judaism when the real deal is on display before thousands daily but not in Larry’s neighborhood. The money Larry offers a nimshal for the investment of soul one puts in ones religious lifechoices.

I still don’t get what trust, money & a frame on a sturdy display have anything to do with your supposed point. Also, the dealer is an obvious Con. Are you saying the Kiruv Rabbis are Cons?

But if that is what you feel the Nimshal is, Kol HaKavod.

PBA’s point makes much more sense, and fits the story better.