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Sam2: We essentially agree.

Abbelleh: Not even Rav Aharon, but Rav Shneur.

DH: Since you are on one side of the fence, as it were, you seem to lack perspective about the other side. You say:

So you recognize that it is your responsibility to support lomdei Torah, but you don’t appreciate being reminded of it. Like a husband whose wife nudges her husband to fulfill the terms of her kesubah.

That is what those on the supporting end find aggravating — that a random guy tells you that he is entitled to your money mitzad hadin (es kimt mir), that he can say “efshi al ydei achaeirim” “someone else will take care of my responsibilities.” It’s compounded when these same people then go and say that the person’s means of support, by which he is also supporting them, is treif.