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they cut off childrens payos and fed them pork on yom kippur. the actual finalization of the state coming into being was announced on the radio in israel on erev shabbos bein hashmashos. they plan beach festivals and pride parades. i dont know why more examples need to be given. the chazon ish held it was yaharog vi’al yaavor. do you have a bigger midda of hakaras hatov then him?? your sentiments are misplaced. the frum mks constantly have to fight the rest of knesset when they try to take away said stipends, which are only there in the first place to allow them enough olitical clout to further their own agendas. the chareidim are constanly villified. does this sound like a government and state that loves torah and the creator? how can you be so blind. these are all facts. why keep clinging to a false hope/dream thats spitting you in the face. i cant understand how thinking people ignore this. the state wants israel to be frumkeitrein.