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mdd-i already said. this isnt my position. i dont formulat emy own positions. the above is the opinion of previous and current gedolei hador. maybe what you and others here call their shitos and feelings are just that – feelings- and nothing more. you cant hope to serve Hashem to the fullest based on feelings alone. even if you really want to keep succos today and not in a few weeks, and you think it will make you close toi Hashem, you would obviously would be mistaken. in the same light (though i obviously exaggerated to make a point) the feelings youve developed for the state dont make it a part of yiddishkeit, as much as you wish it would. only what we are told by our gedolim to be correct and in service to Hashem is a valid means of serving him. so if they say yaharog vial yaavor im inclined to listen. and obviously i dont mean only the army. i mean the general idea of its validity. the jewish nation only has a right to be called that when we unite under the banner of torah. if we pointedly do not, which the medina seemingly doesnt make a priority, then how is this a jewish ideal? and i assure you, if canada would have tried to en-masse abduct children from a life of torah; from a life of having anything to do with Hashem, i’d oppose them too, even if they didnt claim to be the salvation of yidden.