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The degree of hate towards the state is frightening, not least because it involves an ability to ignore the dependency of large sectioNs of the community on state benefits and protection whilst demonising it beyond belief. Sure there are secular radicals who despise all that is Torah true, but there are many sincere Torah fearing Jews serving in the state. Modertor 80 may I ask why we cannot have a ” proud and safe independent nation” of our own, repeating oft told stories about secular leaders mocking the Torah serves to smokescreen the reality of our situation. Israel is a nation under threat

It is very hard for Israelis who are Torah fearing Jews and send their sons to do their duty and see those that will not serve, but are happy to be protected. THis is not Tsarist Russian where jews avoided the draft, this is Eretz Yisrael. We are protecting our holy places. Life is not perfect, if you want autonomy, do not depend on others, that is not Judaism, that is parastic. No one says the state is perfect but it exists and it protects even YOU.