Reply To: Bishul Yisroel, Pas Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel

Home Forums Kashruth Bishul Yisroel, Pas Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel Reply To: Bishul Yisroel, Pas Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel

old man

Hacham: No disrespect intended to teshuvos. A good book relating to the history of psak halachah can be illuminating. For instance, when discussing yibum and halitza it is esential to understand the culture of Moslem/Arabic countries in the Middle Ages;otherwise the teshuvos are in a vacuum that cannot be understood. So too with the Chasam Sofer; some of his teshuvos are bewildering without knowledge of the history of the Enlightenment and Reform. Teshuvos on mechiras chametz do not make sense unless one understands the economic system of the Jewish businessman two hundred years ago. This information is best delivered in various books that quote many teshuvos and explain them in the context of the times they were written. I can give you a list of good books if you are interested.