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hello 99 -“Since then, the majority of wheat in the market, except for winter wheat, is Chadash.

Furthermore, the Rema’s heter, really from Teshuvos HaRosh is based on an intersting sfek sfeika. Since today this information can be easily clarified, as Rav Herman does, one may no longer rely on a sfek sfeika (which anyways is not relevant when the majority is Chadash).”

There is a big agenda here in America to push Vaday Yoshon. Some Frum companies have made millions on this. I don’t know where you got your statistics from, but it seems that it comes from the group whose agenda was to push the Vaday Yoshon on e/o!

I decided to look up the statistics myself and not rely on MDG who brings data from 1996. Let me say that I think the problem with the Rema’s (or the Teshuvos HaRosh) Sfek Sfeika is that it is really only one Safek, of whether this is Yoshon or not. But even so, the MB brings Achronim whom say – that you can be Mekil in things that mostly were planted in Chodesh Nissan (or before) (and harvested after Pesach).

Acc. to the USDA most of the wheat produced in this country this year and many previous years is winter wheat. This automatically makes most wheat in this country Yoshon. Even what you eat in the winter months most of it has to be Yoshon. It’s not possible or very unlikely that we ate up most of the winter wheat. Like I just posted, the MB has no problem being Meikil on where there is a Rov. His screaming(both in MB and BH) is on the other Heterim. Oats I looked up takes about 11 months to grow, so again you have a Rov that it’s Yoshon. Rye is mostly a winter crop.

Durum wheat which becomes pasta, you can say the final product is not mostly wheat (there are many ingredients) and even if it is – maybe it’s not all Durum (Chodosh) but mixed with other Yoshon grains (which they do a lot of times). So you would have a Sfek Sfeika. Barley you would have to come onto – is it called from the Chameshes Mini Dogon which you had it out with Sam about.

I’ll admit the last two aren’t such great Heterim, but I personally don’t care because I dislike eating them. I really try not to eat pasta and/or barley. I hate when people put barley in the Chulent!