Reply To: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ Reply To: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/

Baal Boose

to Halevi;

Whoa chill.

Remind me not to get involved on this site.

WHo twisted your knickers in a knot?

1) I said shadchan OR some other formality, im in middle of a report and dont recall the exact procedure required.

2) The gmora uses the terminology of “found her in the market” and did what he did. who ever thought they did it in the street/ OBVIOUSLY they moved indoors.

3) Shadchan IS mentioned. It is ‘savlan’, and the gmora and choshen mishpat discuss the details of how much they get paid. divided into starter middle and close’r. (Does he get a save? lol)

4) why are you gratuitously denigrating how much i did or did not learn. (YOU SAY; “I did not see any other Places, nor did i see this gmora”) Are you a talmid chochem/kollel/yeshiva bochur?

is this where torah leads you?

5) Finally, i did not dismiss anyone else’s learning. i merely expressed my point of view. Apparently it was too much for you.

Have a nice life.