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ark: Sorry if I gave of the impression I was pushing some sort of agenda… I just follow the Rambam, Ramban, Meiri, Malbim, Megilat Esther, Aruch LaNer , Ramah, Sforno, Rav Hirsch, Rogatotchaver, Chazon Ish, Rav Yosef Dov, Rav Shacter, Rav Willig, Rav Lichtenstein, Rav Twersky, Rav Aharon, and all the other gedolim who believe that science has value, but you and everyone els can of course disagree with them.

Actually, it is a mitzvah meduorasiah to be healthy: v’duvkuh bo. I also believe that just because something is not Torah does not constitute it as “bitul Torah.” Something of value (any one of the seven Chachmos Ha’olam, any mitzvos, or chasadim) is not bitul Torah.