Reply To: Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?)

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?) Reply To: Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?)


Here it is:

3 tbsp yeast

1 tbsp sugar

3 cups warm liquid, eg. water, seltzer, or combination

1 cup sugar

2/3 cup oil

8 cups oat flour

2 tbsp. xanthan gum

1 tsp salt

6 eggs

1) combine yeast, 1 tbsp sugar, and warm liquid. Let yeast activate.

2) add remaining ingredients. Let rest for 30 minutes in warm place.

3) Shape challahs – I found that it was the easiest to shape into bulkelach or in tins that maintain the shape of the challah, let rest in warm place for 30 minutes

4) Bake at 325 degrees for “thirty minutes” – these were the original directions, but I would say check after thirty minutes and possibly leave them for 40-45 minutes. (maybe it’s just my oven)

PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW THEY COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!