Reply To: Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?)

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?) Reply To: Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?)


In the New York area, any Jewish health food store, and probably Monsey and Williamsburg, as the proprieter is a Chassidish woman from Boro Park. She has other products as well such as cakes and cookies. There is another brand of GF with heimish hashgocho, from Mrs. Katz (she’s from Monroe), and can also be gotten in Jewish health food stores. Her items are shehakol only, such as breads, cakes and cookies. even pizza dough. Heaven Mills challah is from oats. In the five towns/far rockaway area, these items can be found as well, in the kosher supermarkets. Both brands are terrific.