Reply To: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry?

Home Forums Family Matters Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry? Reply To: Must a Baal Teshuva Remarry?

Rav Tuv

Yaakov is correct the main problem is Kosher shomer Torah umitzvos aidim. Wolf is also correct the double ring ceremony as somewhat problematic. Actually I believe this is a machlokes haposkim. As was stated Rav Moshe is matir a reform or conservative marriage. But Rav Eliyahu Henknin holds from the concept “Anan Sahadi” that means that if the couple are living together in the same house and shomrei TU”M know about it…this is sufficient to consider them married. As we are all witnesses that they are living together married.And would require a GET.