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taking a break- Kol Hakavod! There are so many girls who put their lives on hold because their top priority is to get married. But if it isnt the right time for them yet, they wait and wait, the pressure builds, and they haven’t done anything else because they say, “When I get married I’ll finish my degree, or find a job, etc”

You are still very young. I started dating when I was 19 and BH I didnt find the right one then because looking back now, I was NOT ready at all! Plus, with each guy I went out with, I was able to learn more about myself and what I really need. These are the years that you really grow as a person, in SO many ways! I am turning 23 in a few days iy”H, and I see many girls who felt that pressure to get married and are now in difficult marriages, unhappy, or divorced. There are many others who are very happy, BH, because it was really the right time for them. But, im so happy you dont feel that pressure because it will help you in the long run.

I think you should do some kind of hishtadlus, like listening and considering a potential shidduch if something comes along, and davning that Hashem should send you the right one at the right time whenever that may be. I Hashem opens a door for you, dont close it before you look through. Sometimes what we think we need, isnt necessarily what Hashem KNOWS that we need. So, just make sure that you keep doors open and put your trust in Hashem Yisbarech to know when the right time is for you to meet your zivug. It could be after you finish your degree, or you could be surprised and have it come sooner, but when it is the right time, Hashem will split the yam suf for you and it should be so clear in your eyes and easy!