Reply To: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos

Home Forums Shabbos! Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos Reply To: Car Accident Late Erev Shabbos

Dr. Seuss

Sam: In that Shabbos jaywalking case, the cop threatened to arrest him if he didn’t sign. (It was actually on the street – he didn’t follow him home.) The Yid told the cop he couldn’t sign for religious reasons. (Eventually he unfortunately did under pressure.) It turned out the cop was a plain ‘ole anti-semite, as there hadn’t even been a jaywalking *ticket* issued in the entire precinct in at least over two years, let alone an arrest. (You don’t get arrested for jaywalking.) What was the cop suddenly making a federal case of a Yid crossing in middle of an empty street in a heavily Jewish neighborhood with no cars in sight? The cop got transferred out of the precinct he was working in, against his desires, as a penalty for what he did. Nevertheless, I still don’t see any justification for signing. Even if the cop put him in the car, he wouldn’t have been doing that (getting into the car) himself. The signing he is doing himself.