Reply To: why are they freeing gilad??

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee why are they freeing gilad?? Reply To: why are they freeing gilad??

Baal Boose

First to Doodle #2,

The answer to your comment is; if my family would be involved then i would be doing irrational/unacceptable things. just like the father of the victim can not be the presiding judge.

My comment; there is a clear haloche that we do not purchase stolen t’fillin or sefer torah for more than its market value- otherwise we are encouraging theft of these items.

Similarly we do not redeem captives for more than the market value of a corresponding slave for the same reason- not to encourage copy-cats and repeats.

The burden of proof rests on the other side to explain why these restrictions do not apply here.

Hashem should cause the speedy return of Gilad Shalit, safely.