Reply To: 96% Alcohol on Simchas Torah

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I mean that that if you circle the shul 9 times a ????, you receive 9 shots. The men are vomiting and/or sprawled out over the floor. It’s disgusting, repulsive and a real Chillul Hashem!

That is ossur. That rov should be put under supervision on Simchas Torah and not allowed to run hakafos in his own shul. Knowing what you can handle, maybe going just a bit past it and singing and dancing as your inhibitions melt away is fun and amounts to elevating the mashke. Vomiting or rowdy behavior is ossur. Anyone who knows he will end up that way if he drinks should not touch mashke even on Purim, and any rov who encourages that is far, far out of line. Most rabbonim know who can handle 9 shots and who can’t, and sometimes they warn the guys who can to keep a very sharp eye on the mashke (especially the strongest stuff) and never to let it get into the wrong hands. They also know not to let the 9 shot guys get much past 10.