” that being said its foolish to promote an agenda and to criticize these people, because my understanding of them, and yours, is pitiful. and therefore im being mocheh. do not make fun, poke fun, or have fun, with the maasim we read in sefer beraishis. it is foolish and foolhardy. “
Toi, our understanding of Adam, Chava the Avos or the Shvatim is not the point. The behavior, or misbehavior, is cited throughout our miforshim in order to provide examples of proper behaviour or behaviour to avoid.
If this wasn’t the case, why would the Torah give the reason for expulsion from Gan Eden if not to learn a lesson? Why did the Torah detail the whole series of events that led to Yoseph being sold into slavery? Yehuda and Tamar?
I don’t pretend to understand them or their madreiga. But one can draw a lesson from them as to what can happen when a chumrah takes on the status of Halacha