Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story


MiddlePath- WOW!! I am struck with such awe, amazement, inspiration, and a tremendouse amount of respect for you!! I am SO SO proud of how far you’ve come, and you did all by yourself- With the help of Hashem- and the fact you aknowlage that as well!! I am really blown away by your story!! You give so many people who are/were unfortunatly in your position- hope and chizuk!

I am so thasnkful you shared your story and again, Im so impressed and so proud of what you made yourself and how you faught the many injustices you were consistantly faced with.

You show a tremendous amount of gevura, emuna, bitachon, middos, anava, endurance, intelligence and simcha!

The girl that b’eh has the great fortune to marry you- will see that, and see how truly lucky she is to have found such a beautiful neshama like you!

Again, I thank you so much for sharing your story- it really touched me.