Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story


Thanks everyone. I hope I’m able to answer each one of you to the best of my ability.

Aries- thank you. I am in touch with a therapist, dr and a close friend who are helping me along with this. I still am torn about what to do but eventually I guess I’ll come to a good decision.

always- I know this person will not be able to do it to anyone else so I’m not sure I have such an obligation.

middlepath- I don’t know how to thank you for e/t. For your support and for your kind words!! You’re an amazing role model!!

kapusta- thanks!!

moi aussi- you may be right but I’m hoping there is a way for me to find menuchas hanefesh without reporting it, if that is my choice.

Thanks everyone here! You’re amazing!!!