Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story Reply To: Life as the son of a Child Molester: My story


Thanks, aries and Queen Bee. You are absolutely right. Lately, I’ve been thinking more and more of moving out, and the benefits it would produce. The only things holding me back right now are:1) lack of money to live elsewhere, unless I can find a job that pays enough and doesn’t conflict with my schooling. 2) By living at home, I am making things a lot easier for my mother, who never has time to shop, clean, etc. I currently do all that for her, and if I move out, I don’t know what she would do. But it would definitely be best for ME to get out, which is partly why I really need to get married, as I would be much happier elsewhere if I had a wife to look after rather than just myself. I am going to start actively searching into other communities where I would be able to make my own name.