Reply To: Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul! Reply To: Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul!


My dear soliek,

you obviously dont daven there very often so it couldnt possibly be for the shuls sake so what is your real agenda?

You dont live in Israel, I assume, do you have opinions on Israel, nevertheless????

Do I have to type in bold for you to notice (what is your real agenda)?????????????????????????:

I’m passionate about a stunning Shul that if it were destroyed, would be an affront and a black mark on/to all Jews/Jewish history.

soliek, will you be selling tickets to the demolition show, ch”v????? People stood around and watched in horror the demolition of Emanuel. But it was TOO LATE.

My dear soliek, our love and concern for the future of BE should unite us, not divide us.