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Sam2 -“Health: It is fair to compare reform and conservatives to the karaites that the Rambam had. This requires a bit further looking into.”

No one compared anyone to anyone, but the Rambam says there is No chiyuv to Mekarev Frei Yidden, even if they are Tinok Sneshbehs.

“What does the Rambam do with Kol Yisrael Areivim and Lo sa’amod Al Dam Re’acha here? This is an interesting thing to look into.”

That’s why I said he must not hold they are Bechlal Arvous, unless s/o comes up with another reason why there is No Chiyuv to be Mekarev.

“On a side note, even if there is no Chiyuv to be Mekarev that doesn’t mean that anyone, ever, has a right to push away someone who wants to come closer to Yiddishkeit.”

And how many times does a Frei Yid come knocking on anyone’s door asking them to be Mekarev him? If it ever happenned -it is a rare occurance!