Reply To: Should BMG Have A Say In Lakewood Politics?

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Should BMG Have A Say In Lakewood Politics? Reply To: Should BMG Have A Say In Lakewood Politics?


YES BMG has a right to say what goes on in this town – we are all here because of BMG and we should all kiss their toes for giving us such a beautiful torahdige seviva, yeshiva, growth opportunities,etc. – and their job is no picnic

There will always be some loose cannons saying that they can do better and that this is unfair and that is unfair – and believe me as a taxpayer i am extremely sympathetic to their arguments BUT they don’t really know the whole picture, or have the experience to deal with the ‘whole’ issue – They are always welcome to come to the yeshiva and discuss their issues -but to break up the community just breaks up our clout – which is just plain stupid.

Let’s remember, especially in these days of sefira – that achdus is our only successful method – and machlokes is unfortunately the ‘anti’ success.