Reply To: Chofetz Chaim Tznius Foundation

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Chofetz Chaim Tznius Foundation Reply To: Chofetz Chaim Tznius Foundation


“The one word I would change is “first”, to “also”, because hachitzoniyus m’orer es hap’nimiyus.”

DaasYochid, I actually specifically used the word “first”, because I think that working on inner tznius should come before working on outer tznius. Starting merely with rules of outer tznius wouldn’t solve anything. It would actually create more problems. Girls that don’t understand why outer tznius is important would not want to follow a bunch of rules that they feel are just weighing them down. And ultimately, they would get a bad feeling about tznius in general. They must first understand how outer tznius is a reflection of inner tznius, and that’s why I think we should first focus on inner tznius. Because the beauty of inner tznius, anyone can understand and appreciate.