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Btguy, like you said already, everyone is doing the best they can. But we need actual law enforcement here to sort it out. All you need to do is share your law enforcement contacts with the mods.

I have to admit,I should have realized how bad Joseph was. but he is a very convincing manipulator. He knows his game. Everyone else is still playing catch-up. I only started realizing the extent when I came back, had a fresh look at the CR, and noticed the info stealing.

I just took a look at AYC’s profile. I noticed that it listed location as “olam hazeh” and occupation as “eved Hashem”. Where did I see that? Oh yeah, my own account. (I have since changed my occupation to balabos and tottie). That, plus the pattern of prying lolkatz keeps pointing out ad nauseum, plus Haleivi-Joseph’s early telegraphing of the results, leave me with a bad feeling. How low can you go? Even stalkers and manipulators should have a line where they refuse to cross. Everybody has a conscience. We are dealing with a person who needs to be removed from society.