Reply To: I havent eaten OU-D in years and I have a Teiva for it.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee I havent eaten OU-D in years and I have a Teiva for it. Reply To: I havent eaten OU-D in years and I have a Teiva for it.


Interesting. I was not aware of 228:3. Hedyotos still means that they have to know something about being Mattir Neder, I would think. I know you don’t need Mumchim, but I don’t think that random people count as even Hedyotos (I haven’t learned this at all though so I could easily be wrong; if you provide a source I will concede this). The SH”A meantions Hataras Nedarim in Orach Chayim, right? So according to him, what does it do? It was never meant to be an actual Hatarah. I would think that is decently clear. The main part of it is to be Moser Moda’ah that all Nedarim we take for the next year won’t be Chal.