Reply To: "Taliban Women"

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It is an insult to Moslem women to compare these to them.

Moslem women wear burqas etc. because they are told that this is what they have to do. They are humble, they are not full of themselves, they simply accept the halacha – or in their case, sharia – that says this is what they are supposed to do.

If there were a Jewish community like this, I would agree that it would be quite hypocritical to judge these people, and the joke would be on us for being so utterly pretentious believing that we are perfect and anyone a drop to the left or a drop to the right is crazy. So they are machmir. What’s the big deal? What’s with the judgmentalism?

But as I said earlier, I do not believe this has anything to do with chumros. Nor do I believe it is a psychological issue. My speculation is that it is a way for these women to assert power. To show the men around them who have natural feelings for women – ha! you can’t get us. Because if they were truly modest it would manifest itself in them being humble and following their rabbanim, and not making such a scene. But they aren’t. I don’t “judge” them for being machmir but I think they are a menace to society as much as extremely chauvinistic men are.