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i myself have no mental illness but i live with someone who is bipolar so i hope this will help.

please keep in mind, that i dont know you, so this posting isnt tailor made for you, im just sharing my experiences.

first of all, you have to come to grips with the fact that you have a mental illness. once you accept that fact, you are better equipped to deal with it in your everyday life.

second of all, while i can understand why you may want to keep it secret from the world at large, it is important to have a few people who know about it, and who you can talk to and confide in.

third of all, it is important to take any prescribed medicine.

fourth it is extremely important to see a therapist and be very open with said therapist.

i understand that it can be a huge struggle living with a mental illness in daily life…i see it every day. but with these four steps it becomes an easier burden to bear.

like i said i dont know you or your condition, but from what i see, there are two things that help people. one, is to throw themselves into whatever they are doing at the moment, completely, and focus on nothing else, and another is when you feel a manifestation of whatever illness you may have coming on, call one of the people who you feel comfortable confiding in…and talk to them.

i hope this helps you.