Reply To: Please daven urgently for a 11 day old baby in Hospital

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Please daven urgently for a 11 day old baby in Hospital Reply To: Please daven urgently for a 11 day old baby in Hospital

The Best Bubby

Update on Baby Orli Rachel bas Gabriella Zivia:

Baby was born in NJ Hosp. It is definately a staph infection, that B’H was caught ontime. The baby was now in another Hosp than the birth hospital and given intravenous antibiotics, and kept in isolation. She has been discharged last night after Shabbos and will be on antibiotics for another 2 weeks, at least.

Please still have the baby in mind when saying Tehillim. Thank you everyone for all your concern and good wishes. Very much appreciated. May we only share in simachot in good health!! ME KAAMCHA YISRAEL!!!!