Reply To: Nittel Nacht On Friday Night!

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To all those readers and posters who take the seriousness of refraining from learning Torah on this night, (Dec. 24th. going on the 25th.) lightly, I have story. A Yiddishe Youngerman once decided to convert to Christianity (r”l). So he went over to the priest’s house. He rings the bell. The wife of the priest (We are talking about a Catholic Priest who was married) tells him that her husband is not home, and she invited the young man to wait for him in the living room. While there, he takes out a pocket size Gemara and starts learning. His friend, who came along asked him. “Are You crazy?” You’ve come here to “Shmad” and you’re learning Gemara! The guy answered one word “Bitul Teyre”!