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OOmis – “Don’t hold back – tell me what you REALLY think! Contrary to your rather hostile sounding opinion, I am not mouthing off.”

This is my point of contention. Here is what you posted:

“I don’t believe in this type of over-prescribed therapy. Only a very few people are actually clinically depressed, but SO many are being prescribed Prozac and Zoloft, that it is not a joke.”

Who are you to make blanket statements from a personal story that happened to you?

Do you even know the numbers of people in this country that have depression?

“And I happen to know there is an epidemic of frum teenage girls on Prozac and other SSRIs in my neighborhood. They cannot ALL be clinically depressed, because if they are, it’s uch und vey.”

Look up the numbers of people whom have clinical depression in this country before you comment!

What I’ll give you is the total amt. of people with mental illnesses or problems. About 20% of the US population have some sort of mental illness or problem. (That’s why we got stuck having a course in Psych, as part of the medical curriculum, besides the psychology courses we had to take for prereq.)

Most don’t even know they have a mental illness and from those that do -most will never seek treatment for it. Do you know what 20% is – 1 out of how many?

And by the way, SSRI’s are given for other mental illnesses besides depression.

“I am relating a personal and extremely painful cautionary tale that when a doctor wants to immediately prescribe anti-depressants, it should only be after a FULL and thorough medical examination has ruled out a physiological cause for the depressive symptoms.”

Because you got burnt, so now you have the right to lecture anyone whom practices medicine???

E/o who practices medicine knows when to work something up and when not!

You don’t have to work up depression every single time, no matter what you say!!!